Texas Motor Speedway

AFPG designed and installed the fire protection systems for the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas.
This installation consisted of 8 wet systems and 69 dry pipe systems designed to protect the Private Suites, all the Garages, Concession stands, Restrooms, and Tunnels connecting the main building with the infield. The installation consisted of the installation of 2,500 wet sprinklers, and 5,000 dry pendant sprinklers. The sprinkler risers were supplied by two 2,500 GPM diesel fire pumps. Pumps were connected to the sprinkler systems by 8,000 feet of underground fire mains which were also installed by Mutual.
Sprinkler installation crews with approximately 20 men working 6 - 7 days a week completed this project under budget and on schedule in 16 months.